TL; DR: I'm CiteRight's new Chief Customer Officer and I'm ready to make your user experience better than ever.
Greetings, everybody!
I'm Ariel; you may know me if you've ever attended a live training session or contacted CiteRight customer support. For the last two years, I’ve had the privilege of acting as your Chief Operating Officer. My role up to this point has been largely in the background, keeping this operation organized and running smoothly.

The best part about this job has been getting to interact with our clients. As we have grown and evolved over the last couple of years, client care has become my primary focus, which is why I am thrilled to announce that I’m officially stepping into the role of Chief Customer Officer!
What prompted this change, you may ask?
Well, you did! At CiteRight, we value the client’s experience above all else. You are the life force of this business, and you deserve to have someone dedicated solely to addressing your concerns. We aren’t here just to sell you software; we really do want to help you produce higher quality, more efficient, and more consistent legal research.
So what does this mean for you, exactly? This move will help ensure that you continue to get the most out of our product. It also means you now have an advocate at CiteRight that is only concerned with your success. I will be your first point of contact for support and will work tirelessly to ensure you have the best possible customer experience. As a bonus: I’m not afraid to be pushy or demanding, so you can rest assured that your issues will be addressed quickly and directly.
I am very excited to be taking on this new challenge and I look forward to serving you better!

- Ariel Nacson, C.C.O., CiteRight